Friday, December 9, 2011

Christina loves used book shops

Welp, my internet's not working again! After nearly a month of wonderful, unlimited internet, it has suddenly stopped working for no reason. Sigh. The wait begins again to see when it will be fixed. But I will be home in America in 6 days, so nothing can get me down!

Carlyn asks where I must avoid going if I don't want to spend money. My answer: used book shops! There's something about used book shops over regular book shops that just make me want to buy ALL the books! This even happens in foreign used book shops as evidence by my Dutch copy of Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen) which I cannot read and probably will never be able to. I think this is justified because it's Harry Potter and I think it's a nice little collection to have difference copies of Sorcerer's Stone. Hey, I stopped myself before I also got Prisoner of Azkaban and Order of the Phoenix in Dutch! But I digress. I just love used book shops: the smell of old books on the shelves, the teetering shelves groaning under pounds and pounds of books, the feeling that the shelves are going to collapse on you, everything. I also like used books because other people have read and (hopefully mostly) loved them. They have past lives; someone else has held them, brought them to work, taken them on vacation, etc. To me, used books are so much more appealing than new books. My love for used books plus their lowered price tag means I need to steer clear of used book shops if I shouldn't be spending money.

I'll be heading back to American for Christmas on the 15th, I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. I think what you're trying to say is that you like bookshops with danger. The possibility of books falling on you at any moment. The germs from previous owners. Lots of dust and other allergens in the air. A bookstore with excitement.
